Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Constructions of the Future - conference

With the new departmental blog, we are living the future. So I thought it'd be a good beginning to share the Call for Papers for the conference "Constructions of the Future: Life Beyond Disciplines", which is to take place in Heidelberg 14-16 July 2011.

Here is a great quote from CFP:

"As life and the human condition are re-imagined, how are different disciplines in the ‘life sciences’ and the ‘post-humanities’ reacting to what they are themselves reshaping? Faced with life but not as they know it, do they still know themselves? Is the prospect of life beyond disciplines coinciding with ‘postdisciplinary lives’? What is the University to be, after life?"

Life as we know it may be over, but there are worse places to spend the disciplinary afterlife than the academy!